What is Makuake?

Makuake is Japan's largest crowdfunding platform.
More than 14 million users access Makuake.
Crowdfunding is a new business model that started in the United States, and Kickstar and Indiegogo are famous in the United States.
Makuake site
Kickstarter site

Test marketing of excellent overseas products in Japan

It is difficult for foreign manufacturers to enter the Japanese market directly, and the distribution system is complicated and difficult to understand.
By launching a project through crowdfunding, overseas manufacturers can conduct test sales without inventory risk. And overseas manufacturers can improve their brand power in the Japanese market.

No risk and no cost for overseas manufacturers

Pre-order sales will be made to supporters who agree with the product concept, and the products will be delivered to the supporters three months later, so overseas manufacturers can manufacture products with plenty of time to spare.
There is no cost burden for overseas manufacturers by launching a project with crowdfunding.
We take care of all the costs of creating the site and promoting it online.

Publication in Japanese media

By launching a project on Makuake, it will be featured in many media in Japan, and the manufacturer's products will become a hot topic.
As the products of overseas manufacturers appear on Japanese television and in magazines, the products and brands of overseas manufacturers will rapidly expand in Japan.
There is no burden of advertising expenses for overseas manufacturers.

Backed up by specialists led by Makuake evangelist Mr. Otake

We have Mr. Ohtake, an evangelist at Makuake, as a consultant.
Mr. Otake is a pioneer in importing foreign products and launching projects on Makuake.
About Mr.Otake

From success in crowdfunding to EC sales and sales to mass retailers

We will make the crowdfunding project a success and list the products of overseas manufacturers on Amazon, Rakuten Ichiba, etc.
We will also focus on sales on our own EC site.
In recent years, the market for e-commerce sites has expanded rapidly in Japan, and it is possible to rapidly expand the products of overseas manufacturers to the Japanese market.
At the same time as selling on EC sites, we will focus on BtoB sales to major mass retailers such as Bic Camera and Yodobashi Camera.
Bic Camera has about 200 stores in Japan, and we will connect overseas manufacturers' products to actual store sales.